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Pet Essentials Australia



Rocky Point Coco Pro Professional Potting Mix 50 litres

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Product Details

Featuring premium quality slow and controlled-release fertilisers, Coco Pro feeds and nourishes plants for over 14 months.

Coco Pro’s professional nursery-grade ingredients, together with a unique blend of coconut fibre and chip, act as an organic water saver and root stimulator to help a wide range of plants flourish in a natural, healthy growing environment. From vegetables and herbs, to large flowering ornamentals, from large terracotta pots to small seed boxes, Coco Pro makes the earth better in so many ways!

This production quality mix contains a blend of; slow and controlled released fertilisers which will feed your plants for up to 14 months; Coconut Fibre and Chip which act as organic water savers and root stimulators; and many other premium ingredients.

Designed to replace the need for multiple specialty potting mix bags, Coco Pro is ideal for:

  • All potted fruit trees, vegetables & herbs
  • Azaleas, Gardenias & Camellias
  • Annuals & Perennials
  • African Violets
  • Magnolias & Roses
  • Bromeliads & Cymbidiums
  • Palms & Ferns

Benefits of Rocky Point Coco Pro:

  • Professional Grade Potting Mix
  • Trace Elements for Plant Multivitamins
  • Added Fertilisers Feed Plants for Over 14 Months
  • Balances Moisture & Airflow for Better Root Growth
  • Greater Weight Content of Slow & Controlled Release Fertiliser
  • High % of Coconut Fibre & Chip
  • Prepared and tested under strict conditions, this product is certified to Australian Standards 3743 for a Premium Grade Potting Mix

What’s in Coco Pro?

  • Slow & Controlled Release Fertiliser – For 14 months of sustained feeding
  • Coconut Fibre & Coconut Chip – An organic water saver & root stimulator
  • Zeolite – For less fertilising & less watering
  • Trace Elements – Plant multivitamins
  • Sulphate of Potash – For more flowers & juicier fruit
  • Microbial Stimulants – Boosting microbiological activity
  • Coco Pro Professional Potting Mix complies with the Australian Standard 3743 for a premium potting mix. This standard is only awarded to products, which have undergone tests, and completely satisfy the guidelines set by SAI Global. This standard is evidence of Rocky Point’s commitment to quality.

Most plants need re-potting at least once and sometimes twice a year. Before re-potting give your plant a thorough wetting down and choose a bigger pot, at least one-third bigger than the initial pot.

  1. Place a small amount of Coco Pro in the base of the pot.
  2. Position the plant in the centre of the pot and fill around edges to within 20 mm of the top of the pot with Coco Pro.
  3. Press down gently.
  4. Water in well straight away, and then regularly over the next few weeks depending on plant positioning and time of year.
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Rocky Point Coco Pro Professional Potting Mix 50 litres
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